Just in this week:
Dolin - Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry is made of fine wines and botanicals found in the Alpine meadows above Chambéry. Together they impart a fresh and elegant nose, with a subtle and complex palate. Ideal as an aperitif or in cocktails. Made to the same base of recipes since 1821. http://www.alpenz.com/images/poftfolio/dolinvermouthfacts.htm
Kronan - Swedish punsch disappeared in the US after Prohibition. A grog, as it contains rum, sugar and spices, which was used to mollify the sailors on board the Swedish ships during Sweden’s exploring days of the East Indies. http://kronanpunsch.com
Palmina Santa Barbara County Pinot Grigio - The NY Times calls this one of the real Bargains from American Vines. A pinot grigio with fuller body than what may come from the North of Italy, but lively, vivacious, balance and properly refreshing. http://www.palminawines.com